Productions scientifiques

Une production de plus de  200 publications scientifiques

L'ensemble des publications scientifiques produites par l'équipe est disponible sur la plateforme de consultation et de dépôt de la production scientifique HAL :

Les 10 dernières publications de l'équipe déposées sur HAL



  • Causeur, D. (2021) Sparse inverse time correlation model for signal identification in functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy data. June 2021. Invited talk at Journées de Statistique, Nice.
  • Causeur, D. (2021) Sparse inverse time correlation model for signal identification in functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy data. April 2021. Channel Network Conference, 2021, Online conference. Slides
  • Emily, M. (2021) Analyzing (complex) systems with Structural Equation Modelling, Invited talk. March 2021. NetBio.
  • Etienne, MP (2021) Identifying stationnary phases in animal movement during the invited session on Movement ecology.April 2021. Channel Network Conference, 2021, Online conference.
  • Etienne, MP (2021) Identifying stationnary phases in animal movement during the invited session on Movement ecology. Séminaire Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, April 2021


  • Causeur, D. (2020) Adaptive handling of dependence in high-dimensional regression modeling. November 2020. Invited talk at the Dutch Biometric Conference.Emily. M. (2020) Aggregation of dependent statistics in genome-wide association studies, Invited talk. February 2020. Grenoble.
  • Etienne, MP (2020)  The Langevin model: a continuous time movement model to understand habitat selection June 2020. Virtual International Statistical Ecology Conference


  • Causeur, D. (2019) Functional Analysis of Variance in the Comparison of Curves. November 2019. Invited talk at School of Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University, Taipei
  • Emily, M. (2019) Exemples et perspectives de recherche en IA pour l’agriculture, Conférence invitée. Juin 2019. Matinale du Pool «IA et agriculture».
  • Emily, M. (2019) Aggregation of dependent statistics in genome-wide association studies, Invited talk. June 2019, Paris.
  • Emily, M. (2019) Aggregation of dependent statistics in genome-wide association studies, Invited talk. April 2019, Journées de la statistique à Rennes (JSTAR), Rennes.
  • Etienne, MP (2019) Detecting alterations in genomic profiles : Rate of convergence to an Ornstein Uhlenbeck process. Séminaire AgroparisTech Mars 2019
  • Etienne, MP (2019)  Stochastic Differential Equations for movement ecology, Séminaire INRA Démécology  Mai 2019.
  • Hébert, F., Emily, M. and Causeur, D. (2019) Prise en compte de la dépendance en classification supervisée. 51èmes Journées De Statistique . Nancy, France, 2019.
  • Mira, S., Emily, M., Mougel, C. and Le Cadre. E. (2019) Crop diversification positively alters the intensity of soil-plant interactions in intensive agrosystems, Rhizosphere 5, Saskatoon, Canada, July 2019
  • de Tinguy, X., Pacchierotti, C. M. Emily, Chevalier, M., Guignardat, A. Guillaudeux, M., Six, C. Lécuyer, A. and Marchal, M. (2019) How different tangible and virtual objects can be while still feeling the same?, WHC 2019 - IEEE World Haptics Conference, Jul 2019, Tokyo, Japan. pp.1-6.


  • Causeur, D. (2018) Ignoring dependence in large-dimensional testing issues: what consequences? July 2018. Channel Network Conference, Rothamsted Research Center, UK.Causeur, D. (2018) Handling dependence or not in statistical learning for high-dimensional data. December 2018, Invited Seminar, Department of Statistics, La Sapienza University, Roma, Italy.
  • Causeur, D. (2018) Analysis of Variance for functional data using the R package ERP. July 2018. Rencontres R, Rennes. 
  • Emily, M. (2018) Epistasis in case-control (GW)AS : a signal detection approach, Invited talk. December 2018, Toulouse.
  • Hébert, F., Emily, M. and Causeur, D. (2018) Combinaison de tests dépendants en études d'association pangénomiques, Journées des jeunes chercheurs en biométrie, Paris, 2018
  • Hébert, F., Emily, M. and Causeur, D. (2018) Prise en compte de la dépendance en études d'association pangénomiques. 50èmes Journées De Statistique. Saclay, France, 2018.
  • Houée-Bigot, M. and Emily, M. (2018) Application d’approches de deep learning aux données de génomique, Workshop Deep Learning et Génomique, Versailles, 2018.
  • Husson, F. (2018). From the package FactoMineR to a project on Exploratory Multivariate Data Analysis or how to improve the visibility of its package? November 2018. Murica (Spain) (pdf)
  • Husson, F. (2018). Imputation multiple par des méthodes d'analyse factorielle. Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. (pdf)
  • Etienne, MP (2018)  Stochastic Differential Equation to Model Movement Data in Ecology. July 2018. Joint Statistical Meetings - American Statistical Association
  • Mira, S., Mougel, C., Emily, M. and Le Cadre, E. (2018) Crop diversification positively alter the intensity of soil-plant interactions in intensive agrosystems giving clues for agroecological transition, SFEcologie, Rennes, Octobre 2018